Shauna Garnet







About me: Oh my goodness it's 2024..!?!<br/>. And I just noticed it's almost 800 days since I officially registered on xHamster. My life has been a crazy hot mess as some of you may well know... But I always try to stay upbeat and lace much of lifes bullshit with Sarcasm.My little best friend NibZy the badass Ninja Cat has never left my side... Actually just tryied to head butt my phone as i type this. Ill drop some updates on here soon...<br/> But before i bounce, just wanted to say its never to late to stop giving a fuck about other peoples opinions if they are gonna keep you from being happy and/or exploring your sexuality and kinks. Real ppls will respect your courage and have your back. Give it a try! Grow some Gurl Nuts and i can promise u this... It'll blow your mind who turns their backs on you (after backstabbing you lol) and then... At the same time... People you woulda never imagined... Will be your Rock. Life Zooms Fast... Dont leave your dye Uncast. YOLO... Dont worry be Happy.. and Love Thyself! 🙂 PEACE BITCHES!!<br/><br/>♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️

About me

Oh my goodness it's 2024..!?!<br/>. And I just noticed it's almost 800 days since I officially registered on xHamster. My life has been a crazy hot mess as some of you may well know... But I always try to stay upbeat and lace much of lifes bullshit with Sarcasm.My little best friend NibZy the badass Ninja Cat has never left my side... Actually just tryied to head butt my phone as i type this. Ill drop some updates on here soon...<br/> But before i bounce, just wanted to say its never to late to stop giving a fuck about other peoples opinions if they are gonna keep you from being happy and/or exploring your sexuality and kinks. Real ppls will respect your courage and have your back. Give it a try! Grow some Gurl Nuts and i can promise u this... It'll blow your mind who turns their backs on you (after backstabbing you lol) and then... At the same time... People you woulda never imagined... Will be your Rock. Life Zooms Fast... Dont leave your dye Uncast. YOLO... Dont worry be Happy.. and Love Thyself! 🙂 PEACE BITCHES!!<br/><br/>♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
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  • Height:
    5 ft 64 in (165 cm)

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