O que é isso? - Tipófagos.
Vocês não sabem o que é tipófagos?
São pessoas que nascem grudadas uma na outra.
São duas cabeças no mesmo tronco.
Por que não solta a gente? Prometemos que não vamos fazer nada pra você.
O que é isso? - Tipófagos.
Vocês não sabem o que é tipófagos?
São pessoas que nascem grudadas uma na outra.
São duas cabeças no mesmo tronco.
Por que não solta a gente? Prometemos que não vamos fazer nada pra você.
The movie starts with a woman (no in this video) who seems to be a crazy nympho. She is getting attacked by a man and get saved by a young adult male (also not in this video). He is more built and hairier than the two above. She starts sucking his dick and get interrupted by these two punk teenagers (in the video) who are trying to mug them at knife and gunpoint. She goes out and knows they won't fight and takes the gun from one and forces them to strip. Then she ties them up and puts them in the back of the car, all naked. They drive to her friend's place (the woman in the video). Each one of them starts sucking the teens while they stand there still tied. And each one of them rides one til he nuts. After both nut, the other hairier dude gets back.Nympho girl wakes him up to a blowjob and rides him til he nuts too. This scenes doesn't end in a cumshot but the lady in the video does stroke, suck and ride both teens to cumshot while they're seated. Then they try to escape but she is waiting outside with a gun. Other crazy lady sucks the hairy jock dude again and this time he gets on top and fucks her and he nuts again (only scene where a male takes control). She then gets crazy on the hairy dude and he kicks her out of his car...in the struggle another man spots her and saves her from him..and the cycle continues. I don't speak Portuguese but that's what i understood.
I wanted to see her shut them up while making them nut.